
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Setup tab are the core details within Sockeye for scheduling purposes. Additions, Changes and or updates that take place within this tab will update details throughout Sockeye and for all users.

For mass updates and changes reach out to for assistance. Full details can be reviewed and uploaded at one time.

Those with an Administrator role will have access to the Setup tab within the blue ribbon.

User Guides


Organization – the details of the business organization.


A user account with identified role and permissions within Sockeye.


offers a second level of reporting. This can be departmental, functional, geography and or a business unit and is not a mandatory section.


a job or activity that requires a special skill.


This can be identified by crafts, shifts and or groupings within the business.


skilled worker that specializes in a particular trade base on the classified craft and available hours identified.

Availability Patterns

identified shift schedules to automatically populate resource availability.

Schedule Fields

identifies the fields to be viewed within Sockeye’s displays.

Backlog Criteria

filters specific criteria to be displayed in the backlog section for each team.

Metric Criteria

identifying specific fields to categorize work orders for the purpose of identifying and calculating KPI’s. 

KPI Ranges

Available KPI’s and defining ranges by color.

Optional Features


  • Setup is not available in blue navigation bar
    • The Setup tab is only available to the User Role ‘Administrator’ reach out to the business subject matter expert to have this role available if applicable.
  • Not able to make any updates to Sockeye
    • In some cases the User Permissions has been selected as ‘Read Only’ reach out to the business subject matter expert to have the permissions under the user setup updated.
  • Error when setting up an Employee
  • Not able to access multiple assigned accounts
    • Under the User Role ‘Areas’ field must be BLANK in order for a user to toggle multiple accounts.

Contact Support

Reach out to a Sockeye Representative