ERP’s Lack of Agility

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Part 1: Darwinism Applied to Software 

This is the first in a four part series on how you can knock it right out of the park with high-value maintenance scheduling software for less than your company spends on coffee.

So, you’ve implemented an ERP – Great! It was likely sold to the highest levels in your organization on the basis it would drive out synergies from operations and promising among other things visibility & compliance all at the stroke of the F2 key.  It’s been three years at least since you started the ERP project.   Parts of the system are live, parts are shelved and everyone is suffering from Post Deployment Stress Disorder. 

For one, the new system imposed additional effort on folks out in the field. These are the people on the front end of the data assembly line, who don’t really see a lot of direct benefit.  So all that critical transactional data we were counting on for visibility isn’t getting input. The proverbial F2 key delivers instant access to stale and incomplete data.