Automated SMRP KPI Reporting
Easily track and build SMRP and custom KPI reports and integrate with business intelligence software.

Automated SMRP & Custom KPI Reporting
Building KPI reports with a CMMS can be complex, time-consuming and frustrating. Excel scheduling leads to lost data, inaccuracies and ‘best guesses’ compromising KPI reporting.
Sockeye’s SMRP and custom KPIs are based on verifiable data. Easily check the latest in Sockeye’s SMRP KPI dashboard, automatically build KPI reports and customize to your needs.
Condition-based Maintenance Hours
Actual hours worked on condition-based work orders. Condition-based Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Continuous Improvement Hours
Actual hours on continuous improvement work orders. Continuous Improvement Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Corrective Maintenance Hours
Actual hours worked on corrective work orders. Corrective Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Planned Work
Actual hours on planned work orders.
Planned Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Preventive Maintenance Hours
Actual hours worked on preventive work orders.
Preventive Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Proactive Work
Preventive and predictive hours plus corrective hours identified from preventive and predictive work orders.
Proactive Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Case Study: Excel KPIs VS Sockeye KPIs
“There was no way to trust the accuracy of metrics because no matter what you do with a spreadsheet, once somebody copies it to their desktop, they can change whatever they want.”
Reactive Work
Hrs not on weekly schedule ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Unplanned Work
Total hours minus planned hours.
Unplanned Hrs ÷ Total Hrs x 100
Custom KPIs
Easily add custom KPIs to Sockeye.
Learn How
Data-Driven Reliability
Automated Report Sharing
Schedule automatic report sharing to specific individuals or teams.
Delay Tracking
Track why work was delayed, identify trends and eliminate waste using Sockeye’s drop-down menu displaying frequent reasons for delayed work (parts missing, asset unavailable, weather, etc.).
Split Screen Graphs
Check weekly KPIs while viewing the weekly schedule with a live KPI dashboard displaying a variety of graphs.
Easy Schedule Compliance
When you finish building a weekly schedule for an upcoming week, simply select “Commit Weekly Schedule”. This saves a snapshot of the currently scheduled tasks and hours for that week.
Crew Utilization Tracking
Sockeye automatically tracks and displays a live graph showing the percentage of available labor scheduled.
Supported by Maintenance Professionals
Sockeye is ready to support your KPI goals with former Maintenance Schedulers who understand the realities you face.
Get Started
Take the next step to a data driven maintenance team.
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