Available Hours

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Available Hours tab allows Sockeye users to update and make changes to employees and craft work schedules  to generate the total number of hours that can be scheduled within the team, manages day to day planned and unplanned work and assists with scheduling KPI’s quickly and effectively.

The primary goal for the available hours tab is to capture the total hours at the craft and personal level in order to effectively assign the correct amount of work.

It is important to start with UPDATEING the Available Hours to generate the total number of hours that can be scheduled within the team.

User Guides



Employee Details
Filter by Craft
View Total Hours

Import Employee Hours

Manually Add or Update Hours
Trouble Shooting Hours Import

Reassign Teams

Temporarily Reassign an Employee

Optional Features


  • Resource is not reassigning to a specified team.
  • Fields not updating during REFRESH – If a cell has been overwritten when clicking on the import will NOT OVERWRITE manual changes. If these changes are no longer required select the specific cell, delete details and click on the enter clear to clear out any details. This cell will now be automated when clicking on the refresh button. Examples of cells being overwritten are:
    • VA
    • Vacation
    • Training
    • Half
    • Sick
    • Holiday
    • OOO

Tips and Tricks

  • Use D = Days, N = Nights, A = Afternoons, O = Overtime before (D12) or after (12N) the hours to identify what part of the day and employee is working.
  • Abbreviate key reason codes such as:
    • VA = Vacation
    • TR = Training
    • SH = Stat Holiday
    • LT = Long Term
    • ST = Short Term

Tips and Tricks

Reach out to a Sockeye Representative
email: support@getsockeye.com