Getting Started in Sockeye

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Overview of how to access Sockeye, change passwords, navigate and utilize filters within Sockeye.   

  • Sockeye – Removes the filter pane and allows access to the filter as a pop up when clicking on ‘Sockeye’.
  • Available Hours – Generates the total hours by craft and resources to effectively assign work to available resources.
  • Weekly Schedules – Views and create weekly schedules at the craft level.
  • Daily Schedules – Views and assign work orders to available resources to a specific day.
  • Find Task – Completes a search on specific work orders to identify if it has been scheduled in the past or future.
  • Setup – Core details of Sockeye’s setup for scheduling purposes.
  • More – Access to KPI’s, printing, exporting and hiding filters.
  • Username – Sockeye user settings.

User Guides


Logging Out
Forgot Password
Change Password
Reset Password
Access Multiple Sockeye Accounts
Change or Toggle Language


Navigation Bar
Adjusting Backlog Section
Search Fields
Sort Fields Numerically or Alphabetically

Sockeye Introduction

Navigation Bar
Adjusting Backlog Section
Search Fields
Sort Fields Numerically or Alphabetically

Optional Features


  • Click on the eye icon to view password field.
  • Not able to access multiple assigned accounts.
    • Under the User Role ‘Areas’ field must be BLANK in order for a user to toggle multiple accounts.

Contact Support

Reach out to a Sockeye Representative

As Sockeye continues to grow we are updating documents with the latest date and revision for reference.